We use the United States Postal Service (USPS), as a third party, to ship only in the continental United States utilizing available Priority Flat Rate or Priority Mail shipping services. Once your order has been shipped, you can usually expect delivery within seven business days. A tracking number is available to follow the shipment status and expected delivery of your order. We ship using the recipient name and address information provided by the customer and are therefore not responsible for delays or undeliverable orders due to erroneous information provided or other local delivery issues at the addressee’s location. Any such shipping or delivery disputes must be addressed with the USPS.
If you prefer an alternate or bulk shipping option, or wish a customized packaging option, you may contact us directly to discuss before placing your order.
($20 Minimum Order)
FREE DELIVERY is available within the City of Elk Grove, California.
Delivery is also available within Sacramento County for a fee of